Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Liverpool 1988

Day -534. WorldCup2018

My continued football watching over the Christmas holidays involved Liverpool-Stoke today. While Liverpool have a way to go before they become the feared, sometimes untouchable team of the 1980s, something about today reminded me of watching highlights of them beating Nottingham Forest on Big League Soccer in 1988, with Brian Moore. I seem to remember that he introduced the match as a great example of attacking football, and told his viewers to sit back and enjoy. Him saying this may all be a warped memory on my part but if you do want to watch a great example of attacking football, take the 5 minutes to watch this.

Liverpool and Chelsea are making the English Premier League very watchable this season. They have a lot more directness and speed about their play then Arsenal's dancing around the penalty box and Manchester City's insistence on trying to execute the highest amount of passes in a season. Liverpool and Chelsea are the pass, pass, go to Man City's pass, pass, pass and pass. A simplistic view, I know but I know what I enjoy.

A little side note about this video: is it a trick of the camera on the eyes or is the halfway line at Anfield extremely crooked?

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