Saturday, 27 January 2018


Day -138 WorldCup2018

If I always want to be positive and celebrate the joy of the World Cup, do I mention the horrible suicide bomb attack in Kabul today that killed 95 people? Yes, I do. Because it was always my intention to record events that happened over theses 1000 days. I usually turn to football as a distraction, or comfort, for people who have suffered a terrorist attack like this but I wonder if the poor people of Kabul, living under the threat of attack for so long can even think of football, or cricket.

It's another case of what do I know? What do most of us know who have never lived through something like this. We enjoy our weekend football and look forward to summer football in the even years. And some of us hope, still like we did when we were young and innocent, that football can make everybody happy and end the want for any wars. We can always hope.

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