Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Memories re-created

Day -148 WorldCup2018

June 29th brings the preview of each day of Russia 2018 to a temporary halt. There are no matches that day, with the last 16 kicking off on the 30th.

The day of rest and reflection on the excitement of the group stages is a good reason for me to reflect. A few days in Malta remind me again of the strong correlation between my earlier life here and my love for football. So many stories are stories around football. So many memories can be explained with a connection to what match was being played, on TV or at "the stadium". Dates, places, events: chances are football was involved. Memories of education from my Dad? What I remember the most are players' names and teams from the '50s and '60s. That was a good education.

And when my brothers and I weren't playing football on the roof in between World Cup matches we were playing the table version. This week we didn't make it outside. But we did find the time and, creatively, the space for the indoor entertainment. Good times.

Image may contain: indoor

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