Monday 4 January 2016

10 days here and there......

Day -891. ‪WorldCup2018‬

An apology and clarification is in order.

Math or Maths, depending on whether you read this with a British English language processing mind or a North American English one, was never my strongest point. Much to my father's despair (and maybe disappointment) I was kind of like England at the World Cup- did enough to get by to a certain point, had one stellar exam, but generally fell short of repeated greatness and had to hear constantly about a much better performing brother (think Germany). Come to think of it this disappointment with me ran in parallel to our disgruntled viewing of England at World Cups, which I shouldn't have been watching because I was supposed to be studying for an upcoming end of year Math/s exam to make up for the previous below-expected grade. Lucky England had 4 years in which to redeem themselves. I had exams or tests quite a few times every year.

I will get to my point. Yesterday I came across an online countdown to the World Cup in 2018 and it was 11 days ahead of mine. Russian calenders and math/s, I thought. Probably different and confusing. Nevertheless, it was probably a good idea to look into and be ready to admit my error. So I sat down with pen and paper and calculator, thinking that the only solution was to do my own actual count from now until June 14th 2018. Thankfully, before I started doing that some of my smarter brain cells (in a minority but they come good at opportune moments) made themselves heard and suggested counting back to the 1000 day mark, September 18th.

It didn't take too long. September was fine but somewhere in October I must have regressed to my earlier school days of silly errors which messed up the rest of my work on my exam paper and try as I may I would never find the cause. (Father's advice: always go back and check your work and if you make a mistake don't try looking for it, just re-do the whole thing). So what comes after 980, when counting down to zero? Not 989. That will mess up the next 78 days, or is that 88?

So I have been off for a while and am in the process of editing everyday since sometime in October and, if it matters to anybody, I apologise for putting you under the impression that you have an extra 10 days to wait before the World Cup starts. I'm sure nobody's life balance has been put off kilter, so this has probably just been a long winded explanation as to why I jumped from Day-902 to Day -891.

Therefore in 891 days (oh no, I have to change all those posts where I mentioned the days in my post) England will probably be on the verge of threatening to be world beaters again and my daughters might be preparing for a math (what's maths daddy, that's funny) exam and I hope they won't be asking me for any help with the studying.

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